Patchwork Quilt Creative Writing Method
My Patchwork Storytelling Quilt
The patchwork storytelling quilt was made many moons ago, with materials and inspirations that can be found in all of my stories. It grows with each new story and helps to fly imaginations and creative dreaming.
Here is the story of its origin!
The Patchwork storytelling method is also growing as I have flown to many countries, schools, community groups, refugee centres, conferences and festivals to share the accessible joy of reading and writing as a treasure hunt of the imagination.
It's a method that appeals to children and adults alike and is being used successfully in education settings too.
I have shared the method:
Goldsmiths University on the MA in Creative Writing ( 2022-2024)
Hay festival
Conferences in the UK, Sri Lanka, Paris and Lithuania
Writing Room - Writing Into the Heart of Childhood ( A regular course)